This page is dedicated to my beloved fans.
They send me lovely letters telling me that if I don't pay the money they'll rip out my intestines and sell them on the black market.
Without their motivating and inspiring words, and the usual anthrax they send me, I would not be the man I am today.

So thank you fans, thank you.

Want to send in YOUR fan art?
Shoot me an e-mail at:

Meckalemon, drew this vicious looking gangster from the Junk City music video

You can find this menacing thug here on twitter and here on instagram

One of my dearest and oldest friends, ZekeySpaceyLizard, made this absolutely badass piece
based on "Savage Death Valley"

You should absolutely check out the full image here

A nice fellow named Pyroraptor 42 made this lovely drawing based on "Savage Death Valley". You can see it in full size over here!

He also has plenty of other prehistoric paleo-doodles over here

This mighty talented youngin named Stinger drew this, based on a gif of me riding a clown.
Check out his other amazing ms paint creations over here

Lovely fanart of Anusboy by my good friend Camille Aragon!
She made it years ago and I finally added it to this page.
I sure am a slow add wanker.

You can see more of her lovely art here.

This incredibly lovely piece is made by BizarroJoe
It's based on a scene of my flash animation "Blek Koffi"
If you wanna see more stuff like this then be sure to check out his gallery.

For a bigger version of this work, please click here

The charming Felix Colgrave drew me and Zalmoxis dissecting a dolphin with hammers in a carboniferous swamp.
Why? Long story.
Felix is a gifted young gentleman and I highly recommend watching his flash movie "The Pigpen"

For a better and bigger version of this work please go here